3 months to 14 months

We cater for up to 9 Babies with a ratio of one team member to every 3 children.

Our nurturing baby space provides specialized care which includes facilities for feeding, nap times, and an unrivalled sky view for babies during nappy changes.

Our skilful practitioners will support our baby blueberries with:

  • Nurturing secure attachments with key persons to support emotional development.
  • Giving tons of cuddles and affection through baby massage, storytelling and comfort.
  • Encouraging physical skills through exciting mindful sensory play and experiences.
  • Providing a safe space for babies to explore the world around them.
  • Encourage babies to build a foundation of social skills that will set them up to move into their next stage in life.
KiWi RoOm
13 months to 26 months

We cater for up to 20 children, with a ratio of one team member to every 3 children.

Kiwis flourish in a large spacious room to roam and explore independently. The space has cosy nooks for reflection and quiet time. We have the facilities to support children’s independence skills, such as toilet training and self-care. This is just some of many important life skills we will focus on. This space empowers our Kiwi’s to have a choice and voice (as we all know this is the age where they begin to have their own ideas!). We offer everchanging resources and experiences, including our designated garden area to enhance their physical development.

Our skilful practitioners will support our baby Kiwis with:

  • Positively engaging them in self-directed play fostering empowerment in their ideas to make it a reality.
  • Encourage building and fostering relationships with other children to develop confident social skills.
  • Nurture their understanding of feelings and be empathetic to others’ feelings.
  • Encourage language development through bespoke activities created just for them!
  • Educate and start to expand their food palates through taste and play.
  • Introducing them to fun physical challenges.
CocoNuT RoOm
24 months to 36 months

We cater for up to 24 children, with a ratio of one team member to every 4 children.

Our Coconut room promotes the ultimate independence experience for children to thrive in! They have full access to the gardens and a space that provides them an environment for countless imagination led activities. There are also magical and cozy spaces for quiet time and self-reflection. Their space provides in building social abilities, self-confidence, and super life skills!

Our skilful practitioners will support our baby Coconuts with:

  • Rapid expansion of language understanding and development through various activities.
  • Build social abilities, self-confidence and independence.
  • Develop problem solving skills and strengthen their grasp on self-help skills.
  • Set fantastic growth goals toward their physical development with fun and creative challenges.
  • Expanding their food encyclopedia through interactive food play, growing foods, cooking in their own designated kitchen with our very own chef, trying wholesome foods.
PineAppLe RoOm
(Preschool) 36 Months to 5 years

We cater for up to 24 children, with a ratio of one team member for every 8 children.

Yippiee! Our super cool Pineapples are ready to embark on daily adventures and are provided with the ultimate independence through their space of free flow. We are also very excited to provide them with a creativity station where they independently make play dough, tie dye and countless other activities and fun! This is an exciting time for them, and we want our Pineapples to think and dream beyond walls and boundaries.

Our skilful practitioners will support our Pineapples with:

  • Thoughtfully structured learning, such as early literacy and numeracy activities.
  • Mastering Physically challenging activities and continue to push their achievements.
  • Immersing themselves in culinary experiences and have them try at least 100 superfoods!
  • Taking pride in their achievements and having self confidence in themselves.
  • Being able to take an idea and making it into a reality.
  • Confidently being able to self-regulate their emotions.
SoRsHa’S KiTcHEn

Welcome to Sorsha’s Kitchen at Happy Trails Play Children’s Nursery—a culinary haven for young chefs in the making! Our dedicated space created by our seasoned Chef, Sorsha and supported by Nursery Practitioners, invites children to explore and develop their culinary skills. With personalized childrens kitchen goods, they embark on a journey of creating delicious delights from Sorsha’s curated recipes. Witness the joy as our little chefs craft their own lunches, bake, cook, and blend, making every moment a unique experience. Come, see it for yourself, and let your child’s culinary adventure begin!

ThE oUtDoOrS

Explore the boundless benefits of outdoor engagement at Happy Trails Play Nursery in Shinfield, where we prioritize the well-being and holistic development of your child. Our expansive open-air spaces provide more than just play; they are crucial for enhancing children’s immune systems and fostering creativity. Within our large playgrounds and under the guidance of our outdoor learning expert, ‘Outside Mandy,’ children embark on a journey of discovery. From hands-on lessons in our allotments, they delve into the intricacies of bugs, wildlife, plants, insects, vegetables, and fruits. Witness your little ones transform into budding farmers as they actively cultivate their mini farms, gaining invaluable experiences that set Happy Trails Play Nursery apart. Give your child the unique advantage of outdoor exploration and education with us.